喜歡園藝,喜歡自然,喜歡手作,也喜歡和小朋友一起在花園裡玩耍的人,也許會喜歡Sharon Lovejoy的書,書裡面不僅有豐富的園藝知識,充滿貼近大自然的智慧,書中一幅幅賞心悅目的水彩插畫,更加讓人愛不釋手!起初,會發現她的書,是因為一位搬去加州的朋友,大方的把家裡童書送給我,其中有一本是Roor, Soots, Buckets & Boot: Garedening Together With Children,我讀了之後,如獲至寶...
Top 20 plants for kids:
Pumpkins win all the popularity contests. If I had to choose only one plant to introduce kids to the wonder of gardening. It would be pumpkins--all shapes, colors, and sizes of pumpkins.
最近又讀她另一本著作 Toad Cottages & Shooting Stars,這本書裡面有非常豐富且具創意的活動,因此封面有Grandma's Bag of Trick,沒錯!作者已經是個grandma了,但是她有無數的點子,帶著孫子在花園裡或是廚房,玩出各種創意的活動...
先來分享這本書中的一句話,嗯...這句話不是她說的,而是她引用Agatha Christie的話,我也好喜歡啊
One of the luckiest things that can happen to you in life is, I think, to have a happy childhood.
*My grandmother Lovejoy taught me that nature isn't something only enjoyed on a voacation or a drive to far away, but that is everywhere around you.
*Okay, so that big, green caterpillar with scary, but harmless, horn is eating the leaves of your tomato plant. You're the lucky host to a future sphinx moth, one of the best pollinators in gardens. If you have enough, donate a tomato plant to this hungry critter. Cover the plant with cheesecloth or screen and let him have at it. After the caterpillar disappears, take off the screen....(p.146)