
have a new kid by friday(photo form amazon)

說真的,通常看到書下這種標題,我就不會買了。我最討厭這種強調追求快速成效的書,覺得那是騙人的,世間哪有這麼便宜的事情,不然就是作者想吸引讀者目光的煙霧彈,一開始就動機不純,我也不看。要不是有人極力推薦並借我這本書,根本不會去翻這種書。為了抓照片到amazon找了一下,發現這本書評價還不錯(但也有一些人覺得這本書只是so so而已),有四顆半星星,我的話應該會給:☆☆☆


Every kid in America will hate this book! But moms will love it!

其實,仔細看,這本書也沒有揭櫫什麼新穎的教養觀念,很多都是大家已經知道的概念,這些在陪伴小孩成長過程中, 對於父母來說可能知易行難的概念,經由作者的筆再一次提醒徬徨的父母罷了...讀這本書的過程中,我一有時間也敲敲打打了一點筆記,因為我覺得在往後漫長陪伴孩子成長過程中,這些都是可以提醒自己的字句。
1. You can’t run a family by rules if there is no connection between family members. (Dr. Leman強調和孩子間建立感情連結之後,規範才能真正發生作用)
2. Note that I said “talk to your kids,” not “ask your kids questions.” There’s a big difference. Asking questions put your child on the defensive. Instead, make open-ended statements (even in response to stupid or out-of-the-blue comments) such as, “I’ve never though about it that way. Tell me more.” Let’s say your child wants to listen to her music in the car, as all teen do. I’ve got news for you: you won’t like her music. (But your parents didn’t like your music either.) Instead of wincing, say, “That’s an interesting beat. I like that beat.”
3. Such comments are respectful of your children, and they set the paradigm that you are open to talk with your children about everything. Talk with your children about the little things means that will be more likely to talk with you about the big things.

4. Your children need to know that you are on their team—that no matter what they do, you love them. You may not like what they do, but that doesn’t change your love for them. Many children don’t experience the connection, but they experience the pressure. They are bullied into submission, called names, ordered around, told them have to do better in school—and then the next day parents act like none of that happened. That’s why parents need to address their own behavior before they expect their children to change. (但是,從其他章節可以知道Dr. Leman是不贊成父母當孩子的朋友,他認為父母還是必須要有父母的樣子,不能為了當朋友而討好孩子)

5. What’s most important is your relationship, and that is based on respect and unconditional love. So much has to do with you and how you treat your children.

6. If you tend toward being authoritarian, work on giving your children age-appropriate choices. Children need to develop the ability to make good life choices.

7. If you are a permissive parent, you need to stand up and be a parent instead of trying to be your child’s friend and make her happy. Being happy all the time isn’t real life, and you’re not being fair to child if you’re providing a continual Disneyland experience. The goal of every parent should be to raise independent thinkers who have a healthy respect for themselves and others.
8. Start with the end in mind, and keep the focus on your relationship, not on rules.

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